The Best Siding Products to Choose for Your Property in Arkansas

The siding options available for Arkansas homes are really varied, that’ why homeowners may find it difficult to pick one out of the many different materials and whatever material they go for, they need to choose the color, the texture and the size for their siding panels as well. The most common materials used in the state are vinyl, fiber cement, metal, stone and wood, but they are all available in a very wide variety of styles, so here are a few factors that should influence your final decision.
new home with beautiful siding
Maintenance Needs
Not all siding materials require the same amount of attention to maintain their attractive appearance, their strength and durability. Vinyl and stone are the materials that require the least amount of maintenance, while wood is the most maintenance-intensive material. The maintenance tasks that you need to do on any siding include cleaning and inspection, followed by the replacement or the repair of the panels that show signs of damage. Vinyl panels cannot be repaired, so if you see any cracks or chipped edges, you will need to replace the entire panel, while wood panels can and need to be caulked, sanded, painted and coated regularly if you want them to stay healthy and beautifully colored.
Natural materials, such as wood, are more susceptible to damage, but if you are willing to put in the necessary work, they can provide reliable protection for your home for decades. Metal and synthetic siding, such as vinyl are more resistant to moisture, rodents and fire, but if they are used in areas where they get a lot of harsh, direct sunshine, their color may fade.
Arkansas climate is wet, hot and often stormy, so the siding material you choose for your home needs to be able to withstand the action of water, to resist wide temperature variations without getting cracked or bent and it also needs to stand strong in front of howling winds. All the materials commonly used for Arkansas homes can provide the protection that you need, they are different only terms of the amount of maintenance work required to preserve them in good condition.
Modern siding panels are available in many different styles and sizes and contemporary manufacturing technologies make it possible to use synthetic materials to replicate the appearance of natural materials. Wood and stone are still the most attractive materials used in siding panels, materials of unique natural beauty and elegance, but you can also find vinyl or cement siding products that look almost like handcrafted stone or wood panels.
Natural materials are the most expensive, while vinyl and fiber cement are the most affordable siding materials. Synthetic siding panels are usually lighter, which makes them easier to move and therefore easier and cheaper to install as well.
Most siding products come with detailed installation instructions and accessories necessary for the installation, so most types of siding panels can be mounted in DIY fashion. However, if you choose heavier or sensitive materials, such as stone or wood, you may be better off if you hire a roofing Fayetteville AR contractor who provides siding services as well.